The Tradition Continues...

The Tradition Continues...

Pietro, an Italian immigrant who left his village of Masserano, Italy in 1906 with generations of family recipes, came to America with his wife, Regina. He sautéed, baked and cooked his way through restaurant kitchens in northern New Jersey. Quality was never compromised.
"Mangia Bene", he'd say. Which means, "Eat Well". And eat well, you always did after a hard day's work, because Pietro had made it with all the love and attention that goes into genuine Italian cooking.

Regina, his wife of 60 years, baked the bread and made pasta. Pietro grew the grapes and made wine and roasted the coffee. They spent a lifetime delighting friends with time-inspired meals.
We look forward to continuing this tradition with you for years to come and welcome you to break bread with us and watch us continue to grow not only in tradition but in spirit.

Mangia Bene Paisano (Eat Well, My Friend)

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